Economy contending with Cancer of Shrink-flation Our Economy is contending with cancer of Shrinkflation(Not only limited to FMGC sector it grabbed Auto & Real Estate sector too) Shrinkflation- It is recently coined term in economy, it means situation of economy where Goods are available for same or slightly increase price but the quantity or size of good reduce at real time as compare to past. It shows Economy is at situation where Purchasing power of people not increasing in proportionate of price hike of goods this event occurs because of Inflation goes up in short period of time. In such case, where peoples Purchasing power stagnant or declining but prices of goods rises due to multiples events, Corporates of manufacturers trying to increase their sales by meeting consumers price point. To fulfil such goals manufactures come up with an idea by keeping price constant they reduce quantity or size of product. E.g.- If packet of 50 biscuits had price 100 rupees, but due ...
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