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Showing posts from October, 2019

Muhurat Trading Vikram samvant 2076

MUHURAT TRADING Stock picks by My Capital Choice to Buy on auspicious Muhurat Trading as one year investment view.

Fixing Capitalism

Power must devolve from global and national levels to the community. In Lenin's language commanding heights of economy are Market and The States. After fell of Berlin wall it looking as market taking charge of economy. Globally we saw many supporters of strong State, becomes champions of free market or capitalization.  Year 1990 came with wave of financial globalization, the free flow of capital across the national borders. Mr. Rajan never victim of euphoria. He is strong believer of free market and their benefits.  In Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists he wrote that the victims of competition should get help to ease their pain and secure their future: “Markets need a heart for their own good.”  In 2005, in his speech he warned  that the excesses of financial globalization raised the odds of a “catastrophic meltdown,” earning a rebuke from Summers that Rajan was “slightly Luddite” and “largely misguided.” The global financial crisis and rece...